Open AAE File
Information, tips and instructions
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Articles about AAE Files
Open AAE File
- Learn how to open AAE file
AAE File Format?
- Details of the AAE file format
What is an AAE extension file?
- More specifics of the AAE file and how it is used
Transfer images with AAE edits
- how to transfer images with edits from iOS to other devices
Edit AAE file as XML
- How to open and edit AAE file
Apply changes in AAE file
- How to merge edits and filters/effects in the AAE file with original image
iOS Image File Formats
- Image file formats supported by iOS
Sidecar Files
- Introduction into sidecar file concept
XMP File
- Extensible Metadata Platform file format
Exif Data
- Exchangeable image file format
Benefits of AAE Files
- What are the main benefits of using AAE file
Can I delete AAE file?
- In which cases AAE files are needed?
Convert AAE to JPG
- Is it possible to convert AAE to JPG?
AAE file on iPhone and iPad
- How AAE files are used on iPhone and iPad devices
Rich image metadata
File Extension Info
What are file extensions?
Dangerous Extensions
How to Open File Extension
Open AAE File
AAE File Format Viewer?
What is an AAE extension file?
Transfer images with AAE edits
Edit AAE file as XML
Apply changes in AAE file
iOS Image File Formats
Sidecar Files
XMP File Format
Exif Data
Benefits of AAE Files
Can I delete AAE file?
Convert AAE to JPG Online
AAE file on iPhone and iPad
Rich image metadata
File Extension Info
What are file extensions?
Dangerous Extensions
How to Open File Extension
AAE Quick Info
Apple Image Sidecar File
not applicable
Opens with
Apple iOS and iPadOS
Apple Photos
Apple iCloud